Posts filed under 'Announcements'

FOCUS Annual Meeting – Kandy (October 2015)

20151003_170028 FOCUS organized a programme in Kandy recently to introduce the FOCUS ministry to the Churches around Kandy and to share the importance of University Ministry in Sri Lanka. The programme was held at the Kandy City Mission and a group of 25 members of Churches from various denominations participated at this event. Kolitha Dissanayake, FOCUS staff member and Peradeniya University Chaplain, welcomed everyone and spoke about the objectives of the programme.
Speaking at the programme Yohan Abeynaike, the General Secretary of FOCUS, encouraged the audience to see the university not just as a place of study but also as a place of discovery. He also appealed to the wider Church to see the FOCUS ministry not as a separate organization but as the Church’s arm in the university.

Click here for the full text of his speech “The Challenge of University Mission in Sri Lanka”
Peradeniya undergraduate Menura Perera and Dr Romola Arasaratnam shared about their experience of mission in university and encouraged everyone to partner with the movement more fully.

An introductory video of the FOCUS ministry’s 30 year history and ethos was also screened.

Add comment October 6th, 2015


Visit to Eastern University (September 2015)


Y. Paheerathan and Menura Perera from FOCUS visited the Eastern University and conducted a teaching programme with some of the members of the Christian fellowship there. Despite the students being in the middle of exams they came and participated in the activities as they discussed various aspects of leadership.

1 comment September 28th, 2015


Be Informed: FOCUS Activities & Prayer

Many things are happening in the universities which cannot be captured in the periodic reports/newsletters that are sent out. If you want to be regularly informed of our activities and prayer needs please subscribe to our email prayer group. We hope to build a dedicated group of men and women who will pray regularly for the ministry and would like to invite you to be a part of this new initiative.

You can subscribe to the email group by sending an email to Sanjayan Rajasingham ( who will be coordinating the email group. If you wish to receive specific prayer requests by sms please send in your name and telephone number to Sanjayan as well.

Thank you for your partnership.

Add comment September 28th, 2015


New Scope – January 2013

The first volume of Scope for the year 2013 is now available for download.

Get the high resolution pdf here.

Get the low resolution pdf here.

April 8th, 2013


SCOPE – June 2012 now available for download

We are pleased to announce that the SCOPE newsletter is now ready for you to download. This year we have planned to publish only 2 editions due to different constraints.

We are thankful to a new team composed entirely of students volunteering their talents to make this edition a reality. We do hope you will enjoy reading it, reflecting prayerfully and praising God for what He is doing through His ministry.

Thank you

Download SCOPE PDF

Add comment August 19th, 2012


SCOPE October 2011 – Now available for download

We thank you for your partnership with the FOCUS ministry in Sri Lanka. The October 2011 issue of the SCOPE Newsletter is now available for download. Our thanks to Buddhika Hapuwatte (NSE Chairperson) for putting together this times issue.

SCOPE Oct 2011 (high res) – 14MB

SCOPE Oct 2011 (low res) – 4.3MB

We value your feedback and comments on the latest issue.

The FOCUS Staff Team.

Add comment October 29th, 2011


SCOPE July 2011 issue available for download

You can download the SCOPE July 2011 issue here.

2011 July SCOPE Lower Resolution (3.5MB)

2011 July SCOPE Higher Resolution (11.9MB)

July 12th, 2011


SCOPE March 2011 issue available for download

You can download the SCOPE March 2011 issue here.

The web version of the “Think anew – The Road Less traveled” is also available to download here.
Thinkanew – Who gets to choose -DOWNLOAD

Add comment March 31st, 2011


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